
上星期我前往希腊Zakynthos日光我留在原址佩里戈尼俱乐部, a beautiful set of properties in the North of the island and a family-style club with the perfect mix of fun and relaxation. It's quite literally family-style, too, in that it's family-run and we met many staff working there who had first holidayed at Peligoni with their families when they were younger, before applying to work there after leaving school. For the first time in a long, long time, I properly relaxed, got off my laptop, postponed meetings and tucked into freshly grilled fish, swam in the crystal blue sea (thank goodness, as I'd managed to burn my leg with hot tea on the flight over and the sea healed it pretty quickly!) and relaxed with friends old and new.

俱乐部早上瑜伽快乐 浮游水面 清晨浸泡和新鲜西瓜早餐运抵后我自治油类按摩法Ayurvedi水上运动与滑板游戏(我最喜爱的滑雪游戏)、风冲浪和那些想回击并用肾上腺素尖叫的人,在快艇后背有橡皮圈供多达5个恶意制造者在波浪上横冲直撞。并取出摄像头乘船游遍Cephalonia岛科雷利船长曼多林上游视图-见Nick Hopper冒险悬浮画-下游-说1980年沉船失事

食物绝对是一个关键主题之行, 长懒午餐晚晚大餐 所以我请求新鲜姜做apiritif帮助消化, 并尝试少吃点并保持光线,和Peligoni海滩俱乐部餐厅一样, 在那里你可以看到苏库兰大条和松果果酱、户外木火炉自制比萨、自制卡玛塔橄榄和一瓶美味gazpacho,用不着看菜单-它能品味一切 令事物开开心心并使我们远离脑海并牢牢地置身于瞬间

晚间我们组 接受伦敦客师妮娜帕克三道菜,用新鲜杏仁薄饼结束。晚宴馆建在我们共享的传统别墅Anna-山顶上(4x4推荐到那里! ) 。 天空中阳光开花的气味和真正的吉祥节日风格中,女孩装作是我们的婚礼,而男人打吉他、鸡尾酒和拍美日照